I have taken over 1,300 photos at work in the last 6 years documenting the remote landscapes of the Inside Passage and north-western coast of Canada. For me, sharing my photos is the easiest way for me to share my world with others. This page is best viewed on a computer, and hovering over some images will reveal additional information about them. When clicked, images will open in a new tab.
/ low clouds fill a 'bowl' in the mountains
/ waterfall with the snowline visible
/ sunset in Skidegate
/ a fog bank looms in grenville channel
/ a foggy day in prince rupert
/ passing the container terminal at night
/ whisps of cloud hang in the air
/ skidegate in the morning
/ calm water forms a mirror
/ fog in the harbour
/ snowfall in my hometown
/ snow during the night
/ a perfect mirror near baker inlet
/ sunset on the last night