toby's harbor

welcome to my safe harbour. feel free to drop anchor anywhere

stranded sailor chat
harbourmasters office
current mood: Status Cafe Profile
ships office

i'm tobias and i'm a 24 year old man with a deep interest in nautical science and seamanship. ships have always been a special interest of mine and i've been working onboard commercial passenger ships as a deckhand since 2019. i am slowly working on my qualifications and courses to become a ship's third mate 'through the hawse pipe'. marine safety, disaster, and investigations are a big interest of mine. i also have a variety of other interests and hobbies, which i hope to collect and share with others here. this site is a personal project to bring together various parts of my life into one place, and to function as a digital journal of sorts.

main page in this weird transitory phase where i feel like redoing it but don't have the time or inspiration just yet. page added for my final fantasy character. music tab is now monthly picks; hopefully this will encourage me to update the site regularily again >_> lamento shrine added since i felt like i wanted to expand on what i had for my interests page. marine bulletins is the framework for my seamanship shrine, which is a work in progress.

Last Updated:

working on a dedicated seamanship shrine. marine photography page needs to be redone because the images are just too big to load quickly. interests page needs to be updated. the more I learn the more I want to redo all my other pages.

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bulletin board

home right now and taking the time to relax and enjoy my hobbies while I have the time. i'm going to school in the fall so i need to gear up for a fair bit of personal responsibility after the summer is over. i think i have a lot of anxiety about my future and fear that i'm incapable but i know i'll overcome my worries once I do it scared. My life is totally formatted around my work schedule and has been for the last few years, so it will be interesting to be home by myself all the time.

my yearly media thread, transposed here from my twitter. not much to say, this is just to keep record of what i watch/read/play over the year

FF14: Dawntrail

This expansion was so fun and lighthearted and it was much needed. I'm really enjoying the new QOL changes to the game and it feels so nice to have new content to do. I also really enjoy the cast of main characters this expansion and Erenville really grew on me over the story. The music really stole the show this expansion IMO.

Guardian / Priest

danmei novel i picked up while in the city last. i read through the first and second books really quickly while onboard and enjoyed the series overall, but I'm waiting for the last book to come out in august to finish off the series. I really liked the characters in this and the illustrations in the book are so beautiful.

Lamento -Beyond the Void-

an old BL novel I felt compelled to play after listening to the soundtrack. a slightly embarassing hyperfixation for me. Lamento fills me with such an overwhelming and powerful sense of nostalgia and gives rise to feelings in me that I cannot fully articulate. It holds a very special place in my heart.

Amusing Ourselves to Death / Neil Postman

i heard about this book while browsing an old touhou forum and it piqued my interest. going in, i expected this novel from 1985 to have fallen victim to the passage of time- only to have my expectations blown out of the water by this thoughtful and suprisingly relevant essay on the effects of media culture in society.

Alien / Ridley Scott

how have I never seen the original Alien until now? I was honestly on the edge of my seat the whole movie (it's the jonesy stress factor....)

In the Mouth of Madness / John Carpenter

i thought the special effects in this movie were so charming. after i watched this the plot of the movie became a reoccuring theme in my dreams for the next week.

The Thing / John Carpenter

i can't belive i've never seen the thing until this year... what a classic movie. I'm so taken by the remote arctic setting and I'm forever

Siddhartha / Hermann Hesse

Widely read for a reason. when I picked up my copy from the bookstore the owner talked with me about the novel for a bit. I think I found my own meaning in siddhartha's journey and started to look at my own thoughts and desires a little differently after reading the book.

are you feeling brave...? do you like electronic music...? these are my pick of the month out of the mixes i've listened to on soundcloud lately.

my pick for june last month's pick my favorites playlist

my features from the marine world:

These are marine textbooks that I use often and are full of information about all manner of shipboard terminology, techniques, and specialized equipment operation that cannot be found online. Enjoy!

Seamanship Techniques covers everything the ordinary seaman might encounter across the broader marine industry. This textbook covers ropework, anchor work (which is suprisingly difficult to search for online), firefighting, meteorology, etc. I find the ropework section really interesting, but the shipboard terminology section demonstrates the variety in vessel construction well and really helped me understand shipboard terminology as a novice seafarer.
Reed's Maritime Meteorology is the most widely used meteorology textbook by my peers who have self-studied and challenged the meteorology exam independantly.
Bowditch Volume 2 contains a glossary of marine navigation terminology alone that is 140 pages long. Bowditch Volume 1 encompasses all forms of practical navigation techniques including celestial navigation, coastal pilotage, and use of the marine sextant. Bowditch in its entirety is a massive 1000+ page textbook and I've really only glanced through it but I find the historical navigation methods so interesting to learn about.
