Marine Site Features
General Marine Interest
- Archive of the marine insurance website, which regularily reported on transportation loss incidents, mainly marine losses, operating from 1998 ~ 2014. Contains hundreds of photos and writeups of various marine disasters. Covers the iconic
M/V Springbok and Gas Roman collision
and gives a historic perspective on what it was like to watch the
Tricolor Disaster
unfold in real time. The original site was updated in 2024 and the old site articles are only viewable in the
wayback machine.
Worldwide Lighthouse Directory, which is split into regions for easy access. Regularily updated and maintained by loyal lighthouse fans from around the
Cruise Liner Postcard Archive featuring thousands of archived transportation-themed postcards. Largely ocean and cruise liners, but also features railways and
- is a forum for shipspotters and hosts millions of photos of ships.
GPS Nautical Chart Viewer
is a great digital chart viewer for a general overview of the world's sea charts. Really fantastic for study and
review but is not fit for navigational use.
Ship-Specific Interest
- Building M/V Loch Seaforth photographic record of a modern passenger ferry being constructed. Really neat browse if you have ever been curious about how ships are built.
- Planet PatriX by Fini Patrick Holsting is an archive of his 20+ year deepsea deck/engineer career and work with Maersk. He has lots of photos of the various types of ships that he has worked on, and the work that they do!
- M/V Relume's Fire Control Plan highly detailed pdf of the fire control plan onboard the buoy-tending vessel Relume. More technical information about Relume can also be found here.
- Maritime Safety Information Database from the national geospacial intelligence agency. Has many free supplemental publications used and calculators for navigation and passage-planning. Also serves as a database for notices to mariners, piracy, and nav warnings.
- digital note database for studying watchkeepers. Covers a bulk of material in the watchkeeping mate curriculum up to second mate level examinations. Very old site... Information is not up to date but still serves a good enough purpose for guidance.
- dieselduck canadian website focused on the marine engineering component of shipping. fantastic industry resources for engineers from a hardworking webmaster.