Roman's E-Apartment
who is Roman...?and who is he really?
Roman is most recognisable as an unscrupulous individual with a poor handle on his habits; often putting himself into debt with his impulsive purchases and staunch smoking habit. He is an observant man with a keen eye for interesting people, who spends much of his spare time on the Lominsan Lower Decks peoplewatching. Roman can behave quite brazenly and lands himself in trouble often. The carelessness he conducts his life with extends to his treatment of his acquaintences and associates and he is famously fickle in his friendship; though his small circle of friends is likely more directly affected by his lack of manners than by his failure to communicate. He will unashamedly seek favor from others when down on his luck yet is not particularily motivated to help others unless it serves his whims. For all his effort to seem distant he is always to be found in the company of others and is social in nature. He cannot stand to be bored and is always finding something to entertain himself with.

He originates from the mountains of the Skatay Range on the eastern continent of Othard and grew up as a forgotten son in a household secreted away deep within those snowy hills. He does not discuss this period of his life at any time. After he disappeared from the mountains, Roman fought briefly on the Bozjan Southern Front while masquerading as his older brother, later deserting the army in favor of selling his skillset privately; he took on work of any nature so long as it allowed him the chance to travel. Over the course of a decade and long enough to lose track of the days, he braved the seas on and off and fair winds brought him to all corners of the world. The forces that perpetually drove him to sail without rest would in time push him back ashore, wherein he remains to the current day having all but retired his seafaring career. Outside of spinning tall tales of his conquest for those he desires to impress, he is tight lipped about his past- though it is obvious from the way he speaks that he is a well travelled individual. Almost always, he resides in Limsa Lominsa, but he is a bit of a wanderer by habit and often takes short trips to other cities.

Despite his somewhat reprehensible character he is not an inherently bad person; just self-serving in nature. He suffers from being too cool to care about other people, but under certain circumstances is capable of putting his pride aside to stand up for something or someone he truly believes in. A gambler at heart, he may also arbitrarily align with a cause simply because it has the chance to produce an interesting outcome. It is hard to predict his motives and actions. At times he lives as if he is a whole different person, one cut from a noble cloth. He is resolute in his choices and does what he has to to see his business through. He may struggle to do the right thing if it is in conflict with his own desires.

Noteable Features and Traits
  • Gets what he can from others. Not outright greedy but never one to pass up an opportunity.
  • Habitual smoker. Chainsmokes when stress eats at him. A habit he picked up while sailing.
  • Has a taste for finery but lacks the finances to indulge himself. Often desperate for spending money.
  • Unafraid of embellishing his stories and feats. Uses small lies to cover up larger ones.
  • Capable of changing his demeanor completely when trying to weasel his way out of a crisis.
  • Secretive about himself but loves to pry about others.
OOC: Roman is my FFXIV player character. Lodestone
Roman's Stats
Trivia About Roman
  • A nightlife personality who seems to become more energized after sunset.
  • He has a sweet spot for gambling but finds his luck always takes a turn for the worse. He is skilled at doman mahjong.
  • Wears cologne to cover the smell of secondhand smoke carried by his clothes. Doesn't realise it just makes him smell like cologne and cigarettes.
  • Carries a fake id with him at all times.
  • Tries to wear clothes that will cover up the tattoos he got while young, drunk, and hotblooded.
  • Loves to fish, but not in the ocean. He claims that it brings back poor memories.
  • Keeps a fairly messy room- he's home so infrequently that it doesn't bother him.
  • There is a metal plate in his skull that interferes with the flow of his aether. To hide the scar he always keeps his hair grown-out.
Quick Biography